Planning a Live-in Relationship in Dubai ? Get Familiar with Inescapable Regulations

Planning a Live-in Relationship in Dubai

Ensuring safety and security is one of the priorities that the city looks up to. Planning a live-in relationship in Dubai and adjusting to the Dubai living parameters, might overwhelm you as it comes with a disparity of beliefs and thought processes. However, all of it comes with strong roots and goes back to women safety, building healthier communities and groups, innovating in terms of growth and development. Making a better space for co-living, and dynamic user groups. 

Amendments Made in Dubai Law for Unmarried People

Amendments Made on Live-in Relationship in Dubai

There are many laws, some new and some altered, talking about women’s rights, divorce, and alcohol consumption. With the developing and growing infrastructure of the city, the advancement in the thought process is bound to change and alter as a matter of fact. Until now, some rules and regulations were talking about the repercussions of live-in relationship in Dubai of opposite genders or Dubai unmarried couples living together. These rules were basically implemented on unmarried couples or even unrelated flatmates who were planning to share a home in the UAE. There have been certain rules and regulations when it came to this, but in recent years, there have been developments regarding the same and the authorities have rarely targeted or prosecuted for violating the same. 

In addition to the basic rules of co-living with different genders, some rules, and regulations regarding the consumption of alcohol have also been relaxed and are no longer an offence anymore. Anyone above the age of 21, can be a consumer of alcohol and wouldn’t be subjected to penalties and the same follows for the people who drink/sell alcoholic beverages in authorized areas without the license. This rule came out recently in the month of September and is into effect. 

Apart from these laws and regulations, some additional changes in the divorce laws have also been made which are inclusive of the country where the marriage took place and would follow the divorce laws even if the marriage did not happen in UAE. We have always known Dubai as a place that has always been on the front foot to protect and safeguard the women of their country and this takes us to the regulations and the criminals facing severe consequences even in case of rapes. 

Previous Laws and Regulations For Co-living of Partners

Regulations of Live-in Relationship in Dubai

As per 2019, there were some regulations that directed the violation of live-in relationship in Dubai and was against the “Sharia Law”. This law basically governs the social activities and the lives of people. Previously, in order to live together as a couple, marriage was a mandatory step to walk through, and without it, it was illegal to stay together as a couple.

Western couples often get confused about the ideologies that Dubai has framed about a live-in relationship in Dubai and the following laws are applicable in Dubai which might be different from other cities in the Emirates. 

  • In the regions of UAE, and Dubai, living together with someone you are not married to, is an offence against Sharia Law. One can only live with someone of the opposite sex if they are married or are a family member.
  • The Dubai Police may not check each and every apartment, complex, or conduct door-to-door checks for unmarried couples and their certificates, but any complaints or observations would be attended and actions would be taken regarding the same. 
  • As a matter of fact, it is also illegal to stay in a car, or a private room with anyone of the opposite sex. This rule is also applicable to the hotels of Dubai and is referred to as the Tawajed clause. 
  • There is another rule, “Al Khilwa Al Muharama Clause”, that talks about the constraint regarding unmarried or unrelated couples. 
  • The UAE Penal Code, Article 356 also limits consensual sex outside of marriage. If done so, or reported so, some serious actions might be taken regarding the same including sentencing jail, and deportation. 
  • In reality, the authorities won’t make random checks to find if you are sharing a car with someone from the opposite sex, or with someone who is unrelated to you. On the other hand, if something suspicious is noted, the police are bound to check for illegal activities in the car. 
  • There are some factors that are considered by the employer, and it gets subjective what the company wants. Some companies do not favour live-in relationship in Dubai. 
  • Some obligations might also ensue when you are attempting to obtain a visa as a Dubai unmarried couple living together. Applying for a residence visa is easier when you have a spouse and in the case of unmarried couples, this becomes impossible. 
  • Higher risk is implied if the person you are living with is married to someone else. In case of any complaints, actions would be taken, and the investigation carried out by the police is unavoidable. 
  • The UAE law doesn’t allow two unrelated people to live together and doesn’t permit living with someone who is not a relative or family. Hence, living with your unrelated live-in partner would also require two tenancy contracts. 
  • Following the Sharia Law is one of the mandates for living in the city and it becomes vital to understand the code of conduct of the same. Due to the same, it becomes obvious that expats living in Dubai are bound by these laws and regulations. 
  • Staying under the tracks and not violating any guidelines would keep you covered and can avoid police verifications to a great extent. 

Other Mentioned Laws in Dubai, UAE

Other Mentioned Laws in Dubai

The above mentioned are the rules and regulations from the year 2019 and a lot of recent changes have been implemented in the category of Dubai’s unmarried couples. According to recent reports, attempted suicide which is forbidden in Islamic Law would be decriminalized as well. On one side of this, the foreigners are often perceived in a different way which is subjected to delayed punishment and actions against the violations.  

Dubai is a country where the number of immigrants exceeds the citizens and the amendments made permits the foreign people to avoid the Islamic Shariah Courts, highlighting or covering issues like divorce, marriage, and inheritance. There are a lot of rules and regulations, but all of them focus on the betterment of the city on various levels. Be it carrying and channelling the Islamic values in the city, or appreciating the local businesses, and culture. 

Summing Up

Dubai has always been one of the places that has been a hotspot for cultural amalgamation, innovation, and much more. Whilst this, there have been massive changes in the Dubai living and lifestyle of the citizens and for those who migrate to Dubai. Dubai has always ensured safety and building a better community, focusing on all sorts of communities, and groups. Although, there were certain rules and regulations that were imposed upon the same but have been lifted in recent years. All of this sums up to Dubai being a phenomenal place, especially if you are a migrant and are looking to move to the city. Dubai is definitely one of the best options to explore. You can read more about Dubai’s lifestyle by going through our well-curated list of blogs.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Is a live-in relationship legal in the UAE?

As a matter of fact, co-living in Dubai is no longer illegal and by following the correct protocols, unmarried couples can live in Dubai.

What are the rules and regulations in UAE regarding couples?

PDA, making indecent gestures, taking pictures without permission, disrespecting any religion, swearing is not at all appreciated as it falls under the category of violation in Dubai. A few years ago it was a violation and illegal to stay with someone of the opposite sex without marriage or who is not family, but in recent years, this law has been amended and is no longer an issue.

What is the official Gazette of UAE?

The official gazette is an official publication done periodically subjecting to the publication of the laws and decrees issued by the UAE government.

What is Sharia Law in UAE?

The Sharia Law regulates the personal status law, subjecting to matters including divorce, marriage, or child custody.

Who regulates companies in the UAE?

The Department of Economic Development regulates the companies in the Emirates.

vinay gupta
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